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During free choice play, our staff plan a variety of daily activities for children to engage in. These include language, math, cognitive, science, art, nutrition, music, social studies, social/emotional, and gross motor activities.

Preschool (Green/Blue/Orange Door) 


7:00-8:45       Center Opens. Indoor play with combined preschool classes.                                        Breakfast as needed.            

8:45-9:45       Morning drop-offs. Inside Time (free choice play and activities by                                staff) 

9:45-10:00     Clean-Up 

10-10:15        AM Group Time emphasizing language/literacy development 

10:15-10:45   Family Style AM Snack 

10:45-11        Toileting, hand washing, and transition to outside 

11-12:00        Outside Time (free choice play, gross motor opportunities, and                                    activities by staff) 

12-12:15        Hand washing and transition to lunch 

12:15-12:45   Lunch 

12:45-1:00     Transition to nap. Wash hands and face.  

1:00-3:00       Nap/Rest  

3:00-3:15       Up from nap/rest  

3:15-3:30       PM Group Time emphasizing language/literacy development

3:30-3:45       Hand washing and toileting 

3:45-4:15       Family Style PM Snack 

4:15-5:15       Outside Time (free choice play, gross motor opportunities, and                                   activities by staff) 

5:15-5:45       Inside Time. Quiet activities planned by staff. See you tomorrow!



Toddler (Yellow Door) 


6:45-8:45       Center Opens. Indoor play with combined preschool classes.                                        Breakfast as needed.            

8:45-9:45       Morning drop-offs. Inside Time (free choice play and activities by                                staff) 

9:45-10:00     Clean-Up 

10-10:15        AM Group Time emphasizing language/literacy development 

10:15-10:45   Family Style AM Snack 

10:45-12:00   Outside Time (free choice play, gross motor opportunities, and                                    activities by staff) 

12-12:15        Hand washing and transition to lunch 

12:15-12:45   Lunch 

12:45-1:00     Transition to nap. Wash hands and face.  

1:00-3:00       Nap/Rest  

3:00-3:15       Up from nap/rest  

3:15-3:30       PM Group Time emphasizing language/literacy development

3:30-3:45       Hand washing and toileting 

3:45-4:15       Family Style PM Snack 

4:15-5:15       Outside Time (free choice play, gross motor opportunities, and                                   activities by staff) 

5:15-5:45       Inside Time. Quiet activities planned by staff. See you tomorrow!


*This is a very basic outline of our daily schedule. Our schedule will vary depending on the needs of the children and the weather.* 

*Children may eat or nap at any time of the day.* 

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